Wright Investments actively invests in UK specialist engineering and light industrial technology businesses with potential for the long term. We provide the resources and investment structure required to allow these businesses to realise their full potential and deliver shareholder value over the long term. We are highly experienced at investing in SME organisations with ongoing ownership, financial, commercial or management challenges often driven by dysfunctional boards or mis-aligned objectives between stakeholders; we help them to overcome their current challenges to realise and release the value within the business.
In all investments, Wright Industries will establish overall management control and ultimate equity control. The mechanism for equity control will depend on the challenges facing the existing key stakeholders be they retiring shareholders or banks where their credit is at high risk of recovery. We do not stifle management rather nurture and develop them, so they as well as the business can achieve their full potential.
Wright Industries acquires businesses that meet our investment criteria, have the potential for growth and where our broad expertise can add significant value . Following acquisition, we will take a hands-on role on the Board, to lead the existing management team through the agreed business strategy and exciting change process. Through our industry-leading expertise, we focus on improving business efficiency whilst radically increasing sales performance. We also consider where we can add value to the investment through synergy with our existing portfolio to maximise business development opportunities and strengthen the market position.
In addition to our own investments, we also work in partnership with other investors such as VCs, PLCs, private individuals and banks. Our reputation for delivering solid, tangible growth has resulted in preferred lender status with third-party investment providers enabling higher levels of fund raising ensuring a solid financial foundation is put in place with significant cash headroom to fund growth at market leading rates. The trust established through our transparency and management focus to deliver against the agreed and well documented plan forms the foundation of our continued financial management success.
Our industry expertise allows us to work with businesses to develop long-term investment strategies, especially in situations where it is beneficial to consider a phased investment plan.
Wright Industries has a track record of finding equitable and innovative solutions to funding its investments in a tax efficient and sustainable way with like-minded investment partners. Where appropriate, we will ensure that stakeholders’ investments are eligible for relief schemes such as Entrepreneur’s Relief or the Enterprise Investment Scheme.
To learn more about Wright Industries and how we can benefit your business, get in touch:
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